C-Parts management solutions for renewable energies

C-parts solutions for renewable energies: CPS®NEW ENERGY

As a partner for professional C-Parts management systems we sell more than just screws – we act as a pacemaker in the field of renewable energies by optimising processes through useful modular solutions.

Industrial companies specialising in alternative energy production (solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity, biomass) place extra demands on their partners in relation to supply of C-Parts. The focus is on more than just product quality and certifications: additional challenges are consultancy services, standardisation and global supply reliability in production or on site.

CPS®NEW ENERGY - Renewable energy Kanban

Our Renewable Energies division employs experts exclusively to provide this kind of support to companies in these industries.

We support your business through our advice on design and development applications. This not only includes planning and sourcing of suitable fasteners, but also advising your customers with regard to on-site installation of wind turbines.

Our international network offers security of supply and standardised system delivery to your sites worldwide. We can guarantee specific logistics processes and individual care worldwide through our group of companies. Our team for renewable energies centrally coordinates your requirements and needs.



We are here for you!

Contact us at T +49 7931 91-0 or by e-mail at cps@wuerth-industrie.com.
