One-year internship

Have you completed your graduation, but are still unsure about which career suits you the best? Would you like to obtain the nationwide entrance qualification for university of applied sciences in a company after graduation?

A one-year internship is the right choice for

  • obtaining an entrance qualification for university of applied sciences (practical part)
  • learning about everyday professional life
  • filling the gap between graduation from school and starting an apprenticeship or (dual) study program

Apply now for a one-year internship. You will have the opportunity to get a first insight into the professional world in one of our business areas and prepare yourself intensively for your further career path.

The internship position is normally filled consecutively for at least 6 months, up to a maximum of 12 months.

One-year internship benefits

What we offer:

  • Valuable insights into how one of the world’s leading trading company operates
  • Versatile tasks and a high degree of individual responsibility
  • A good working environment that places great emphasis on team spirit
  • Personal support throughout the internship period and regular feedback discussions
  • Exciting networking opportunities in various areas
  • Welcome event and weekly meet and mingle for trainees
One-year internship experience

Since I had no experience of everyday office life before my internship, such as writing business emails or making professional phone calls, I am glad to have learned all the basics through the internship before starting with the apprenticeship. I think this will allow me to start my apprenticeship much more confidently.

Janina, One-year intern in Marketing followed by apprenticeship

Our current vacancies for one-year internships can be found on the job board.

If you do not find a suitable vacancy on our job board, feel free to send a speculative application.

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Feel free to reach out to us.

Contact us on +49 7931 91-1138 or via e-mail on

Get to know your contact person

Offene Fragen

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